

Despite its name, Osteopathy concerns much more than just bones. Osteopathy is a non-invasive therapy that targets muscles, joints & nerves.

Holistic treatment

Many people think of Osteopathy as a purely manual (or manipulative) therapy; while this is an important part of it, it’s not the full story. Osteopathy is also a holistic treatment that can be used to tackle a wide range of injuries, pain and disorders.

If you’ve lived with pain for a long time, Osteopathic treatment can succeed where other approaches have failed. Using a range of techniques, we will work to relieve pain, improve your mobility and help you get on with your life, whether you’re suffering from a sport or work-related injury, arthritis, sciatica or other problems.

As well as offering various forms of pain relief at the Clinic, our osteopaths can offer advice on self-help methods for use at home. Osteopathy can use a range of techniques for a patient, but it does not involve surgery or drug treatments.

What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy works with the underlying structure (and related functions) of the human body. Osteopathy works on the premise that the well-being of a person is dependent upon the smooth, connected and cohesive function of their skeleton and bones, muscles, ligaments and connective tissues.

Briefly put, if the structure of the body is in a state of balance, then the body as a whole will work better.

Osteopathy can detect, treat and prevent many physical health problems by using physical manipulation, stretching and massage of a person’s muscles and joints. These techniques not only selectively relieve tension in a person’s musculature, but also improve the blood supply to the muscles and nerves; these actions also help the body’s own healing systems.

An osteopath is also able to give advice on good posture, and exercises to help recovery, to prevent symptoms recurring, and to promote good general health.
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How can Osteopathy help me?

Osteopathy is a method of diagnosing and treating a very wide range of medical conditions. A list of the most common conditions is set out below. Remember that treatment from a qualified osteopath is also designed to generally promote the body’s own health and healing mechanisms.
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Common upper body conditions…


Shoulder pain treatment

Neck pain or neck injury

Elbow pain

Golfer’s elbow (‘Golfer’s elbow’ is similar to ‘Tennis elbow’ and is also known as ‘medial epicondylitis’. Generally, pain or stiffness is experienced where the tendons of your forearm muscles attach to the bony part of the inside of your elbow, but often the pain can extend to the forearm and wrist. Caused by repetitive, forceful wrist and finger motions, the condition can actually affect anyone from racquet or throwing sports, weight training or indeed some occupations such as building or carpentry).

Frozen shoulder (Frozen shoulder can be a very painful condition, and it can last for years. While its causes are not fully understood, it manifests by the tissues around the shoulder joint becoming inflamed, causing pain and restricting movement).

Rotator cuff injury (The ‘rotator cuff‘ is a group of muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joint).

Jaw pain

Common lower body conditions…

(Please note: Some of the conditions below can also be helped by the use of Orthotics – please see our Orthotics and Gait analysis page).

 Lower back pain

Knee pain or knee injury

Achilles pain (The Achilles tendon is the strongest & largest tendon in the body and it connects the calf muscles to the heel bone (calcaneus). Although very strong, the achilles tendon is surprisingly vulnerable to injury; it has very high forces placed upon it, and has a relatively limited blood supply).

Lumbago (Lumbago or general pain in the lower back is very common, although it can be felt anywhere along the spine – from the neck down to the hips).

Sciatica (Sciatica is when the sciatic nerve, which runs from your hips to your feet, is irritated. The condition is characterised by pain, tingling, numbness or weakness in the bottom, legs, feet, toes, and sometimes the back).

Ankle pain

Shin splints (Sometimes called tibial stress syndrome, Shin splints refers to pain in the lower leg, specifically along the tibial bone. Shin splints are generally caused by placing repeated weight or significant exertion on the lower legs and lower leg muscles. Shin splints are mostly suffered by athletes, dancers and even those in the military where running under loads is common).

Slipped disc (This condition is also known as a herniated, prolapsed, or bulging disc. A slipped disc is when a soft cushion of tissue between the vertebrae in your spine pushes or bulges out. Often the bulging disc will press on the nerves running down the centre of the spinal column, and this can cause intense pain and discomfort).

Hip pain

Osteopathy can help the following General conditions…

  • Arthritic pain
  • Sports injuries
  • Nerve Pain
  • Aches and Pains
  • Pain relief
  • Chronic pain
  • Injury rehabilitation
  • Joint pain treatment
  • Neck and back pain

A Brief History of Osteopathy

Osteopathy or Osteopathic medicine was founded in the 1870s by American physician and Civil War surgeon, Dr Andrew Taylor Still.

Still viewed the body as having the natural ability to recover from ill health when functioning effectively and believed that human illness was rooted in problems with the musculoskeletal system. He posited that Osteopathic manipulations could solve these problems by harnessing the body’s own self-repairing potential.

He developed an integrated system that used manual techniques to affect the function of the body and thus enable it to restore its natural health.

Still described the foundations of osteopathy in his book “The Philosophy and Mechanical Principles of Osteopathy” in 1892, and in the same year he founded the ‘American School of Osteopathy’ in Kirkville, USA. He had thus established the first medical school that could produce physicians trained under this philosophy.

In 1898 the American Institute of Osteopathy started the ‘Journal of Osteopathy ‘and by that time four states recognised osteopathy as a profession.

Osteopathy arrives in Britain

One of Andrew Taylor Still’s early students, John Martin Littlejohn, came to Britain in 1913 and set up a practice in London. His aim was to set up ‘a standard of osteopathic science, to show the public what the science is and to clinically demonstrate its efficiency.

By 1917 Littlejohn had established the first school of osteopathy in the UK, the ‘British School of Osteopathy’. He subsequently served as Dean of the School for over 40 years.

After many years of existing outside the medical mainstream, osteopathy in the UK was accorded formal recognition by Parliament in 1993 by the ‘Osteopaths Act’. This legislation now provides the profession of osteopathy the same legal framework of statutory self-regulation as other medical professions (e.g. medicine or dentistry).

Ongoing practise and research has meant that Osteopathy has evolved greatly, and it is now a profession that is practised internationally and is recognised by the World Health Organisation (WHO), the National Health Service (NHS), and many other international bodies.

Osteopathic medicine is regulated by the General Osteopathic Council, (GosC), See the ‘Regulation’ section below …


Osteopathy is a health profession that is regulated by law in the UK, and Osteopaths are regulated in much the same way as traditional medical doctors.

“The Osteopaths Act 1993” is an Act of the Parliament in the United Kingdom that regulates the practice of osteopathy. The Act received Royal Assent in July 1993, and with the Act came the creation the ‘General Osteopathic Council’. (See also: ‘The Register of Osteopaths’ below).

The General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) exists to ‘provide for the regulation of the profession of osteopathy’. The GosC sets and monitors practice standards and provides guidance to osteopaths to ensure that patients receive quality care. For further details please visit their website.

The GOsC also maintains key functions within the profession including: setting ‘Standards of Practice’, vetting and approving ‘Education and Training’ standards and courses, and maintaining ‘Professional Development Standards’ or CPD (Continuing Professional Development).

The Register of Osteopaths

Osteopathic Research

There are many organisations, academic and clinical, that continue evidence based research into the development of Osteopathic manipulative treatment.

Osteopathic Research is an active field and includes the development and efficacy of new or enhanced techniques, peer reviewed articles and clinical trials.

For more information on those organisations involved in research, see our authoritative links section below.
Andrew Wilson-Smith
  • Andrew Wilson-Smith, Registered Osteopath and Naturopath, ND, DO

    After qualifying at the British College of Osteopathy & Naturopathy in London in 1989, Andrew stayed on and lectured on osteopathic technique. He entered full-time practice at the Haslemere Clinic in 1990 and completed post graduate studies in lower leg biomechanics and podiatry thereafter. Andrew became a partner in 1996 and in 2006 became the sole owner.

    One of our most experienced osteopaths, he has a particular interest in sports injuries, focussing on the hip and knee, and in gait assessment – he has been prescribing prescription orthotics for 15 years, working closely with Langer Biomechanics during this period as manufacturers of orthotic devices. See our Orthotics page for more information. He’s a keen sportsman himself, playing tennis, village cricket and golf on a regular basis.

Martin Coleman
  • Martin Coleman, Registered Osteopath and Naturopath ND, DO, DPO

    Martin has been working in healthcare since leaving school. He studied for a combined nursing degree with psychology and then worked in cardiac and general intensive care units over 10 years. He also found time to study for an occupational nursing certificate and has worked in industry as an occupational health nurse advisor, wherefrom he derived an interest in health and safety issues, particularly working to prevent the musculi-skeletal injuries that result from occupational activity. He then retrained as an osteopath, qualifying with an honours degree in osteopathic medicine and a Naturopathic diploma.

    Martin has a hands on approach to health care. He describes himself as a holistic practitioner who looks after the physical and psychological aspects of a patient’s health. He very much views one of the osteopath’s roles as inspiring individuals to look after themselves in a therapeutic relationship between the osteopath and the patient. He has completed the Paediatric Diploma in Osteopathy at the Osteopathic Centre for Children. He now offers specialist paediatric care with structural and cranial approaches.

    Martin is married with two children and actively supports them in their 101 activities including stints at the ice rink and refereeing his son’s football team. He keeps fit by playing tennis and running. In 2008 he ran the London marathon and raised £1,600 for muscular dystrophy research. He is also a keen long distance walker and is keen on rugby and football, supporting London Irish and Tottenham Hotspur. He tries to be nice to Arsenal fans when they venture into the practice . . . !

Danielle Carpenter
  • Danielle Carpenter Registered Osteopath MOst. BSc. NVQ

    Danni studied a master’s in Osteopathy at the International College of Osteopathic Medicine and graduated with distinction in 2020. Danni has over 1000 hours of clinical practice and has a keen interest in the ‘why and how’ a patient is feeling as they do and will focus on getting to the root cause of a patient’s complaint. With a background in the Classical teachings Danni’s aim is to support the body in its own healing response.  

    Before becoming an Osteopath, Danni gained a BSc. in Food Science and Business at the University of Reading and went on to work in the food and nutrition industry for 16 years. Danni quickly realised she wanted to be an Osteopath after sustaining an injury and seeking osteopathic treatment but the opportunity to retrain only presented itself following the birth of her twins. 

    Danni has also studied at the London School of Sports and Remedial Massage Therapy and has consequently worked in the sport rehabilitation arena for the last 7 years.

    Danni’s specific areas of interests are osteoarthritis, elbow and shoulder injuries and adolescent musculoskeletal pain. Going forward Danni plans to continue her studies in Paediatric Cranial Osteopathy. 

    Danni enjoys running, pilates and playing with her 3 children.

Peter Black
  • Peter Black, Registered Osteopath, BSc (Hons) Ost

    Peter came to osteopathy in his mid thirties after a career in the police. He graduated from the British College of Osteopathic Medicine with a first class honours degree in 2004. Since then he has been treating patients at Haslemere and in his clinic at home in Buriton, near Petersfield.

    He has gained a wealth of experience from treating a wide range of patients of all ages, from athletes and sports players to office workers. He has a keen interest in acupuncture and is a member of the British Medical Acupuncture Society. When appropriate, he can incorporate acupuncture into the osteopathic treatment, which can provide very effective pain relief. Read more on our Acupuncture page.

    When not working, he spends time with his wife and three young children. His sporting interests include mountain biking, swimming and skiing. He also sings with the Southampton Philharmonic Choir.

Joshua Thomas
  • Joshua Thomas, Registered Osteopath

    Joshua trained full time and graduated from the University College of Osteopathy & attained a Masters degree in Osteopathy. Since then he has also done further training in Sports Taping and Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation.


     A registered member of the General Osteopathic Council and an active individual who enjoys the outdoors. Particularly holding a love of swimming, kayaking, hiking, archery and rock climbing.


    Since graduating he was worked in his home city Chichester as well as clinics in London. Frequently working alongside athletes as well as his local theatre he has experienced a wide variety of patients and injuries.

Joshua Thomas
  • Holly Jordan, Registered Osteopath

    Holly graduated from University College of Osteopathy in 2023 with Distinction. During her training, she completed her Level 3 diploma in Sports Massage.  

    Prior to, and during studying, Holly worked in the marketing industry. It was the long desk-based hours that led Holly to retrain as an Osteopath after having personal experience of the common aches and pains associated with desk-based jobs. She understands first-hand how hard it can be to prioritise health and good habits when working long hours in a demanding job and the impact that stress can have on the body. As a result, Holly believes in working in partnership with her patients to ensure a realistic and achievable management plan is created.  

    Holly tends to take a structural approach to treatment, combining a wide variety of hands-on techniques with the aim of treating the root cause of the issue(s).  

    In her spare time Holly loves all things food and is regularly found experimenting with a new recipe or trying out a new restaurant. She also has a love for the countryside and long-distance walking. 

Osteopathy at the Haslemere Clinic

Fully qualified and highly experienced practitioners
The osteopathic team at the Haslemere Clinic has eight members: (Andrew Wilson-Smith, Martin Coleman, Beth Forrest, Tatiana Wiles, Peter Black, Jeremy Feilder, Lyndsy Mills and Philip Allen).

All of our Osteopaths are fully qualified and highly experienced practitioners (see Regulation section on this page). Our osteopathic treatments are very highly regarded and receive high praise, as shown by many positive reviews and testimonials from our clients.

Please view our guide to fees here.

Please contact us here to arrange a consultation with one of our Osteopaths.

You may also be interested in our other specialisms: Cranial Osteopathy, Osteopathy for babies & children, Osteopathy during pregnancy, and the case studies of Andrew Wilson-Smith (Osteopath and Naturopath, and our Orthotics specialist)
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